Apex Football Academy: Where passion meets excellence! An elite football academy in Cloverdale, BC, nurturing talents of all ages and skill levels.

Build Your Football Dream

Pillars of Our Purpose

Our mission is to shape not only top-quality Footballers but also exceptional human beings. At Apex, we believe in the holistic development of players, keying in on the 5 Pillars of Development:

Our Philosophy


The keys to Apex’s success lie in our unwavering commitment to high-quality modern training methods, discipline, teamwork, and a positive attitude. We strive to create an environment where players can thrive, unlocking their full potential while experiencing the joy and creativity that Football brings. These five principal values encapsulate the unmatched spirit that defines Apex Football Academy:






Founder & Technical Director

Siamak Hashemi

Apex Football Academy: Where dreams take flight. As the Technical Director, I’m dedicated to nurturing aspiring footballers, empowering them to excel on and off the pitch.

Our Students in Action

Kickin’ Goals: A Gallery of Students Embracing the Beautiful Game

Happy Community

What our student's parents say about Apex

Raving Reviews: Parents Share Their Experience with Apex Academy’s Football Classes

Highly Recommend – 10/10. My 9 year old son joined on due to a recommendation from a friend and I have to say, hands down this is my sons favorite day of the week. Coach Siamaks teaching style breads creativity, soccer intelligence, sportsmanship and makes sessions fun to the point kids are asking why its over so fast. Our older son is joining on now to for the upcoming fall season. If you’re thinking about it, then I would say go, even for one session, and you’ll see the value.

Zach Boyd

My daughter’s Apex training day is her favorite day of the week. That is saying a lot considering she plays/practices/trains with her own club as well. Coach Siamak provides a lot of fun, knowledge and skill while encouraging the group of young girls he trains. I highly recommend Apex Football Academy and have seen a lot of improvement since my daughter started training with the academy several months ago.

C White

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